In the month of Movember (, a team of courageous BCCRC participants led by Chris Cochrane will grow and groom a moustache (yes, that elusive patch of hair sometimes found between the nose and upper lip of male homo sapiens). The aim is to raise awareness of prostate cancer and collect donations which will go to the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada. The Mo-growing progress will be tracked on this webpage on a weekly basis. You can make a donation at any time by contacting Chris (ccochrane[at] Or, on November 27th, come out, vote for your favorite Mo and make a donation at the GrasPods elections.

Want to join but not a male homo sapiens? Mo Sistas can get involved by stylizing a fake moustache. Just let Chris know and we can add you to our photo op.

Week 1 (Nov. 4)
Week 2 (Nov. 11)
Week 3 (Nov. 18)
Week 4 (Nov. 25)
Change not statistically significant